Sign-Up For a Discovery Call


Classes, Sessions, & Pricing

Private Sessions

Private sessions focus on a clients individual needs, goals, and ability. Equipment and mat are both utilized during the session.


  • $60 per 60-minute session

  • Package Private Sessions: Ten (10) for $450*

  • New Students Only: Three (3) classes for ONLY $150

  • You must pre-register for by private sessions by emailing or calling/texting (810) 241-2858. Sessions are available on Tuesday and Thursday or based upon the needs and availability of the student and instructor. All sessions are by appointment only.

Mat Classes

Mat Classes offer an energizing practice that focuses on toning, stretching and elongating the muscles. If you are new to Pilates but currently active, please email or text to be placed on the class list. Mat classes are offered on Monday, 9:15am or Wednesday, 6:00pm. Class sizes are kept small to ensure attention to detail or movement variations. If you are inactive, have had injuries, or are post-rehab, please email to determine the best options based on your physical needs. Classes are offered virtually as well.


Trauma-Informed Movement

Trauma-Informed Movement provides movement educators have an understanding of how trauma impacts the brain, nervous system, movement, and overall whole body. The goal of the trauma-informed movement is NOT to diagnose or cure it. Instead, it is a targeted practice designed to assist movement educators to enhance the following for their students: rebuild body awareness, create choices for their own body, and what feels appropriate.

For more information, sign-up for a discovery call!

*Packages expire six (6) months from the date of purchase. If a medical related condition occurs during the six-month period, a doctors note is required.